Sunday 12 August 2012

Day 6. Clun to Runcorn.

Still no pics today I'm afraid as phone not working.

Great day bowling along the lanes of Shropshire and into Cheshire. Along some of our training ground too.. the Cheshire Cycleway, Sustrans route 70. Longest daily mileage of the tour so far, 81 miles, average speed 14 mph. Long descent into Shrewsbury where the flower show was taking place. Hot day. Cycling flat lanes was really pleasant with the breeze but hot when you stopped.

Us three girls, Sharon, Janet and myself stopped for a 'wildie' in a field. Turned out to be a 'park and ride' car park for the flower show as we found out when two bus loads of people headed our way....

Amazing and HUGE lunch at Burlton Inn. Chips were at least half a spud each and a whole bowlful of them. Plus sticky toffee pud for dessert and a pint of Dizzy Blonde to wash it all down. Practically asleep on the handlebars after that.

Andy rode out to meet us and cycled along for the last 15 miles or so. Soon after Janet got a puncture; quickly sorted we then cycled past Sharon's office in Frodsham and called in to gatecrash what appeared to be some kind of board meeting. Sorry guys... 

Andy then took Sharon and I out for a curry in Helsby. Sharon persuaded him to take some of our washing home with him and bring it back the following morning, which he did. Thanks Andy!

Overnight at the Holiday Inn, Runcorn. Lovely treat as next two nights are YHA and we know what that means now.... Girls behaving badly...


Andy said...

You had me under false pretenses - just seen a couple of days ago on your blog how you are perfectly capable of doing your own washing ! Bah, humbug.

Unknown said...

Ok , forever In your debt. Was very much appreciated