Tuesday 7 August 2012

At Street YHA. End of day three.

72 miles. Cumulative total now 208 miles at the end of day 3. Passed through Exeter and close to Taunton racecourse, amongst lots of other places on our way here.

Staying at Street YHA which looks like a Swiss chalet (pic). We should be asleep but writing blog and all 6 of us here in the dorm wide awake either blogging, texting or just nattering... It's 11:30..

Crossing over the M5 on a bicycle today was great! (another pic). Rat race speeding by below us on the daily grind...  Rained on and off today, sometimes heavy, but as our training rides included some foul days we were prepared. Today's ride included a great downhill into Corfe which was about 4 miles long and allowed us to catch up with Charley, Mark and Lawrence who had set off early after lunch so they could stay ahead of us... No chance... The 4 Tour de France ladies caught them.. That's Rachel, Janet, Sharon and myself. Every downhill is usually preceded by an uphill tho so we worled hard again today. Lunch was at the Drewe Arms at Broadhembury. A chocolate box village... (pic).

Every mile towards our goal feels amazing. This trip is amazing and so are Peak Tours who are superbly organised and will do anything for you. Like fixing flop flops (see later). And including giving Sharon and I a lift to her Aunt Iris's place in Street this evening for a visit to meet up with Sharon's Mum n Dad. This was a surprise for Sharon's Mum! Pic attached.

The pics today include a van stop (those are brill... just when you think you've not seen the van for a while it's there with either the lovely Steve or the lovely Graham offering us a lovely hot cuppa!). The lovely Nigel was cycling along with the group..

The lovely Graham mended Rachel's flip flop today with an inner tube and a puncture repair kit.. We did say these are lovely guys...

Posted a message on Chris Evans's Facebook page this evening requesting a mention for chicken (Josh Blanchard) on his breakfast show so if you hear it please let us know so we can listen again.

Thanks for all the blog comments,  please keep them coming! Thanks also for the latest sponsors! That's Helen Caldwell, Janet and David Redpath, Caroline and David Rogers, Anne Worrall, and Ian Shaw.

Ok, night night. Pic of Crystal Tips attached. That's Janet.